
Profile picture me

A little background

Greetings, fellow earthlings! I'm a data engineer and web wizard, here to save the world one line of code at a time. I've been slinging code for years and have a superpower for turning complex problems into elegant solutions.

I'm always up for a challenge and love working with a team to create amazing things. Whether it's building apps, designing efficient algorithms, or just making computers do my bidding, I'm the engineer for the job.


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Data Science

Le Wagon

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Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill

4/3/2022 - 6/24/2022

Gained a foundation in data science techniques such as machine learning, data visualization, and statistical analysis

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Web Dev

Le Wagon

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Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill

1/3/2022 - 3/25/2022

Advanced my knowledge in web development technologies

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Griffith University

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Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill

2/7/2010 - 12/14/2012

My coursework included the study of digital media, public relations, advertising, journalism and more

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Info & Data

Campus Berlin

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Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill

7/26/2004 - 6/1/2007

Apprenticeship commercial assistant for Information and Data processing


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill

Ruby / Rails

My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill


My Skill



Systems for Future

Systems for Future

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Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill

The Systems for Future landing page is a call to action for those who want to create a better future. It offers bilingual content on critical issues facing our systems, actionable items that visitors can take, and a social media integration.

AI Ghost-Writer

AI Ghost-Writer

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Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill

A cutting-edge NLP tool that uses fine-tuned Davinci models to generate high-quality lyrics for pop songs. The lyrics are then brought to life through a combination of Azure, DeepFaceLab, and Wav2Lip to create stunning music videos that will captivate your audience.



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Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill

Local food done right. Dish list is an application that was built so individuals that miss authentic dishes from their home could find a local restaurant that makes that authentic dish.

Tenzi Game

Tenzi Game

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Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill

Tenzies is a fun and addicting dice game that you can play on your own or with friends. The objective of the game is to roll the highest score possible by rolling the maximum number of dice in each turn.

ChatGPT Clone

ChatGPT Clone

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Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill
Image of the skill

The ChatGPT clone with model selection is a powerful NLP tool that allows you to generate text and engage in conversation with a variety of AI models. With this tool, you can select your own fine-tuned model or choose between the many models provided by OpenAI.


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